League Begins:
Sunday January 5th, 2025
Game Nights & Times:
Sunday nights @ 8:00pm, 9:00pm & 10:00pm
Monday Nights @ 9:30pm / 9:00pm (Starting Feb. 24th)
Note: Mondays @ 10:30/10:00pm may be used if we receive enough interest to make additional teams.
Note #2: Games will be 50 minutes long (Three 15 minute periods)
Note #3: Times may vary slightly towards the end of the season when the Hopedale rink closes and we move to Franklin in April.
Length of Season:
15 Games Including Evaluation Game & Playoffs
Evaluation Game Info:
Sunday 1/5 @ 8:00pm (2 Hours)
Draft Party:
Sunday 1/5 after the Evaluation Game. Time & Location TBD. Players will be contacted by the league manager with more info closer to the event.
Regular Season:
Weeks of 1/12 - 4/6 (12 Weeks)
Begins 4/13
Note: May be subject to change if we have to cancel games due to snow storms or other issues.
Blackout Dates:
2/9 & 2/10 - Super Bowl Weekend
4/20 - Easter Sunday
All levels welcome. Mixed level league (B-D). Full ice 5x5.
Captain Info:
We will be looking for a captain to run each team. If interested please email operations@powerplayhockey.com
Blackstone Valley IcePlex | 121 Plain St. Hopedale MA
Pirelli Veterans Arena | 910 Panther Way, Franklin MA
(Will Use Full Time After April 6th)
Player Fees:
$390 / Player
(Breaks down to $26 per game based on 15 games. Playoff & Evaluation games are included in the total # of games)
Free / Goalie
Note: 8 spots available and returning goalies get the first rights to these spots. If you are new to the league and want to confirm you have a spot please send an EMAIL and if it is full we can add you to our goalie sub list.
Payment Notes:
2 Refs & 1 Scorekeeper
League Benefits:
Evaluation Game, Draft Party & League Jerseys are all Included
Additional Info: