Southern NH (SNH) Leagues | Central Hub [New Hampshire] , Full Season

Haverhill Fire


1 2 3 T
Haverhill Fire 0 0 1 1
The Sloths 1 2 3 6

The Sloths


Shots on Goal

Team 1 2 3 Total
Haverhill Fire 0 0 1 1
The Sloths 1 2 3 6

Power Plays

Haverhill Fire 0-0 10
The Sloths 1-5 0

1st Period Summary

TimeTeamScoring DetailScore
16:59 The Sloths Goal (even strength)
HVLFIR 0 - The S 1
TimeTeamPenalty Detail

2nd Period Summary

TimeTeamScoring DetailScore
5:48 The Sloths Goal (even strength)
HVLFIR 0 - The S 2
11:59 The Sloths Goal (even strength)
HVLFIR 0 - The S 3
TimeTeamPenalty Detail
2:14 Haverhill Fire Holding - Minor (0:0)
4:48 Haverhill Fire Holding - Minor (0:0)
5:48 Haverhill Fire Tripping - Minor (0:0)
7:00 Haverhill Fire Unsportsmanlike Conduct - Minor (0:0)

3rd Period Summary

TimeTeamScoring DetailScore
1:47 The Sloths Goal (even strength)
HVLFIR 0 - The S 4
4:04 Haverhill Fire Goal (even strength)
HVLFIR 1 - The S 4
9:18 The Sloths Goal (even strength)
HVLFIR 1 - The S 5
14:53 The Sloths Goal (power play)
HVLFIR 1 - The S 6
TimeTeamPenalty Detail
13:00 Haverhill Fire Body Checking - Minor (0:0)

Haverhill Fire


# Name G A PIM GWG
4 Todd Giampa 0 0 0 0
9 Raymond Robinson 0 0 0 0
17 Anthony Lucia 0 0 0 0
20 Corey Pond 0 0 0 0
21 Chris Salamone 0 0 0 0
25 Evan Kelleher 0 0 0 0
44 Bob Miles 0 0 0 0
55 Andrew Adamo 0 0 0 0
Totals: 1 0 10 0


# Name Min Sh Sv Dec
Totals: 51:00 6 0 0


# Name Signature

The Sloths


# Name G A PIM GWG
Cameron Mastromarino 0 0 0 0
John Mclaughlin 0 0 0 0
Paul Cromwick 0 0 0 0
Christopher Stagliola 0 0 0 0
Joshua Villars 0 0 0 0
Joshua Perry 0 0 0 0
2 Ryan Tucker 0 0 0 0
4 Jen Mcaleer 0 0 0 0
8 Anthony Conrad 0 0 0 0
Totals: 6 0 0 0


# Name Min Sh Sv Dec
Sub Goalie 0:00 0 0 0
Dean Frechette 51:00 1 0 WIN
Andrew Kelley 0:00 0 0 0
Totals: 51:00 1 0 0


# Name Signature

1st Period -- Scoring: The S - Goal (even strength) 16:59. Penalties: None. Goalie Changes: None.

2nd Period -- Scoring: The S - Goal (even strength) 5:48; The S - Goal (even strength) 11:59. Penalties: , HVLFIR (Holding, Minor, 2 min) 2:14; , HVLFIR (Holding, Minor, 2 min) 4:48; , HVLFIR (Tripping, Minor, 2 min) 5:48; , HVLFIR (Unsportsmanlike Conduct, Minor, 2 min) 7:00. Goalie Changes: None.

3rd Period -- Scoring: The S - Goal (even strength) 1:47; HVLFIR - Goal (even strength) 4:04; The S - Goal (even strength) 9:18; The S - Goal (power play) 14:53. Penalties: , HVLFIR (Body Checking, Minor, 2 min) 13:00. Goalie Changes: None.

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